No matter how hard you’ve been through, always remember that not all the roads will always be rocky to you.

Monday, October 17, 2011


National Service Training Program or simply as NSTP, It aims to promote and integrate values education, transformational leadership, spirit of patriotism and nationalism and sustainable social mobilization for youth development, community building and national security. As I’ve enrolled myself in The National Service Training Program, I choose between CWTS, ROTC and LTS.

But as an Environmental Science student I prefer Civic Welfare Training Service thus, I can build up my aptitude as an environmentalist in the near future. CWTS refers to the Program component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare services.

As we are trained by our trainor, Sir Julius Delos Trinos, we did a lot of activities. In our first week of training we are given the chance to get to know each other, our first impression to one another, and our goal starting that day is to prove to them that first impression didn’t last. We should be aware of the attitudes of one another to develop a harmonious society among each other. Also, we should develop not only our knowledge and skills but also our attitude and moral character and we should be mature enough in setting our goals and perspective in life.

In our training, I never expected that I’ll enjoy and learned many things and gain more knowledgeable in every activity that we did. I thought that it will be tiresome and we can’t get along with each other but as the training goes by, my point of view had been change we learned to show our real attitude towards each other, we inspire and we get inspired by one another and not only my knowledge had grown but also I’ve grow as a person and my character as well.

We’ve had fun and shared our own experiences through the things that need to be discussed. As we tackled about leadership, Sir Delos Trinos gave us a lecture about the things that we need to mull over to become an effective leader and a good member. As a leader you should set your goals and priorities to be able to do all the activities and you must be the one to guide all your members and being a leader is not just something that we can be overnight. Being a leader is a commitment to growth, and to willingness to bear the responsibilities that come with leadership. And as one of the members you should give your cooperation and you must also give your own decisions in the activity to avoid conflicts and misunderstanding between the leader and the members.

We also learned the importance of Patriotism and Nationalism. Nationalism is the common bond which holds the people of a nation together. Most people are proud to belong to a country and are usually prepared to do what they have to do to defend it. Patriotism is a love for one's country and a desire to make her better. Patriotism is very important because it allows individuals to care about their country as a whole. It also allows them to have pride in actions the take and the decisions they make that are going to affect their Nation. And also, I learned the importance of having a flag to represent one’s nation. It was discussed to us the different positions of the Philippine flag in different places and occasions. We also did the proper ways of handling our flag. We also learned being Maka-Diyos, Maka-Kalikasan, Maka-Tao at Maka-Bansa. As one of the citizens in our country having these characters will guide us to the right path, it will enhance our physical, social and emotional character and eventually, helps us to achieve our goals in life.

We also did a role play concerning illegal-drugs the intention of doing this is for us to become aware about the illegal substance. In our play we learned that there are many things that can be used to hide these illegal drugs and by doing this play it helps us to have awareness to stop using illegal drugs. And As NSTP student trainees we should help promoting to stop using these illegal substances. We also did a poster/ slogan concerning on how to stop the use of illegal drugs. NSTP also did an event wherein we can share our talents. The program was called as “NSTP Got Talent.” NSTP student trainees as well as my block mates shared their different talents in singing, dancing, drawing and writing an essay. They can finally show their hidden talents and through this program they’ll enhance their talents as well as their confidence.

We also had a Youth Peace Festival in Mall of Asia Concert Grounds the Theme is “Youth Peace-building Initiative towards Responsive Community Action.” Our aim is to promote peace in the society. Different universities had gathered to be able to do the sign of peace. The Objectives are; To create awareness and contribute to the sustainability of peace from among the youth and the community; To promote camaraderie and strengthen relationship between students, coordinators, trainers, and stakeholders in the implementation of the program;To appreciate the value of peace as a means of developing culture of service. The said event was one of the most unforgettable happenings in our training even though it rained so hard on that day, there is no such thing will change the feeling of being happy as we’ve create bonding moments during the program. And it was a new experience that we’ll treasure forever. Also, I did learn the importance of order and peace in our society.

Our NSTP was scheduled every Friday of the week at ten o’clock in the morning up to one in the afternoon at our first week it was really a hard adjustment for me and I had been late for 10 minutes and we had to sing a song in the front of the class but then as time goes by I did learn to adjust myself and wake up more earlier. In four months time, I did learn so many things, my knowledge and skill had been develop as well as my character and attitude. I had been created my group of friends through this training, I had known all my block mates and their real attitudes and we’ve shared different experiences and point of view in life.

We’ve create memories and not only memories that we’ll treasure forever but also a knowledge that will eventually helps us in the second semester and all through our stay in the university and also, for a better future. In our last few weeks of training in this semester before our final examination, we also did learn about Voters Education it covers the basic concepts and ideas to be considered in creating awareness for us to exercise well our right of suffrage and sovereignty. We watched a short documentary film wherein the concern of the film is for us to know the importance of one’s vote for the right choice of future leaders. It was really a big help for us so that, when we already in the legal age to vote we already have knowledge to elect the right leaders of our country.

After we have discussed about the Voters Education we had a game wherein the intention of the game is to bond with each other and also for us to have a cooperation to win the game. It was really an enjoyment for us. I had a chance to bond with my other block mates. All through the game there is only one thing in my mind is to enjoy the rest of the program.

And I’d really been thankful for the National Service Training program as well as our trainer, Sir Julius Delos Trinos who’d been our guidance for us to develop our knowledge and skills. I’d learn so many things and it will not only help me in the course that I’m taking up but also it will help me as an individual, as a person, as a student and as citizen in this country I’d grow a lot I learned to cooperate, to share my perspective and to show the real me. As a student I’d learned so many things about this institution, about our university the vision and mission of our university and the TUP hymn and because of that it makes me proud to one of the students of our university. I’m looking forward to the next semester!


In four months time, it’s really been a great experience College wasn’t that I expected I did things that I don’t expect that I can do. We aren’t just bonded with knowledge but also by heart as a future environmentalist. It’s really a long journey for us and hopefully after four years all of us will get our diploma and finally find a job where we can share our intellectual ability to save our mother earth ♥

So our first semester had finally come to an end. I just want to thank all the people who’d been my inspiration in this voyage. THANK YOU GUYS! \m/ YOU ROCK! SEE YOU ALL NEXT SEM! :*

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