No matter how hard you’ve been through, always remember that not all the roads will always be rocky to you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm Bored >;D

1. Last beverage: Iced Tea.
2. Last phone call: Mom (pinagalitan kasi eh.;c)
3. Last text message: :))))
4. Last song you listened to: Power of Two.
5. Last time you cried: hmm.about 2 months ago. ;p Sept 1 2010

6. Dated someone twice: Nope.
7. Been cheated on: Hell YEA? :P
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: UHM.
9. Lost someone special: yes. :((
10. Been depressed: Always? ~.~
11. Been drunk and threw up: err. yea. :(

12. Blue
13. Pink
14. Purple

15. Made a new friend: YEA. ;DD
16. Laughed until you cried: HAHA! ohyea. >:DD
17. Met someone who changed you: Hell yeah! :">
18. Found out who your true friends were: YEAH! :)
19. Found out someone was talking about you: haha. yea. :)
21. How many people on your friends list do you know in person: hmm. Few.
22. How many kids do you want to have: 2.
23. Do you have any pets: Yeah.:))
24. Do you want to change your name: NO. :) I love my name. Ü
25. What did you do for your last birthday: KUMAEN haha! LOL >;DD
26. What time did you wake up today: 7am haha aga :">
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: natutulog :p
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: hmmm. new dress. :))))
29. Last time you saw your Mother: About a minute ago. haha err.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: yung Walang 'ya kong ugali. hahahaha LOL. >;DDD
31. What are you listening to right now: This is Halloween.haha!
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No?
33. What's getting on your nerves right now: hmmm.boredom.

34. Most visited web page: Twitter. FACE BOOK.BLOGGER :">
35. Whats your real name: MARY GRACE Emphasis :)))) ♥
36. Nicknames: GRAXiA.Ü
37. Relationship Status: It's Complicated. haha awushuuu. :">
39. Male or female: Female.
40. Elementary: San Diego Parochial School
41. High School: San Diego Parochial School loyal eh. :">
42. College: UST sana. haha :))))
43. Hair color: Black :>
44. Long or short: Moderate.
45. Height: 5'2 :)
46. Do you have a crush on someone? NAMAN!! :)))
47: What do you like about yourself: WALA. haha. REAL :))
48. Piercings: Yeah.
49. Tattoos: Hell no.
50. Righty or lefty: Righty.

51. First surgery: wala pa :)
52. First piercing: Tenga malamang. Haha! ;p
53. First best friend: hmm? cno nga ba? :)))
54. First sport you joined: Chess.
55. First vacation: Cebu
56. First pair of trainers: TRAINERS?

57. Eating: NONE.
58. Drinking: TNONE.
59. I'm about to: publish this post. hahaha!
60. Listening to: Halloween songs. hahaha :P
61. Waiting for: HIM.Ü

62. Want kids? Of course. Ü
63. Get Married? yea. :D
64. Career? manager. :) hahaha.HRM eh :">

65. Lips or eyes: Eyes. :)
66. Hugs or kisses: hugs.♥
67. Shorter or taller: taller! :)
68. Older or Younger: Same age.
69. Romantic or spontaneous: ROMANTIC ! :D
70. Nice stomach or nice arms: Stomach? err. hahaha. arms,
71. Sensitive or loud: pde wala wag overrrr.
72. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship. :)
73. Trouble maker or hesitant: anu ba yan. HAHA!

74. Kissed a stranger: NAH!
75. Drank hard liquor: Yeh.--.
76. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes.
77. Sex on first date: HELL NO!
78. Broken someone's heart?: Yes. --.
79. Been arrested: No.
80. Turned someone down: Yes.
81. Cried when someone died: Yes.
82. Fallen for a friend?: YEA ~.~

83. Yourself: OF COURSE. Ü
84. Miracles: Not really.
85. Love at first sight: No.
86. Heaven: YES. :)
87. Santa Claus: Not anymore. :)
88. Kiss on the first date: No.
89. Angels: Of Course. :)

90. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:
91. Did you sing today? YEA! HAHAHA!
92. Ever pissed somebody(off)? I think so. :)
93. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? 4 years ago.
94. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? hmm..
95. Are you afraid of falling in love? No.
96. Posting this as 100 truths? Yes.
97. Love yourself?:YEA! :))♥
98. Is there a time you wanted to give up on him/her? : ~.~
99. Cheated on him/her and regret it? : nah,
100. Do you still love your ex? : NO!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

L ♥


I<3 L

A man without a name. A voice without a face. This is the mysterious mastermind known as a single letter: L. He is a criminologist of dazzling intellect, the last resort of every police force in the world. There isn't a criminal he hasn't hunted down or a case he hasn't solved.

L is described by author Tsugumi Ohba as the ultimate super detective who can deploy the police all over the world, including the Interpol. Characterized by habits such as his love of sweet foods, weird seating habits, delicate handling of objects and dislike of socks, L is portrayed as a brilliant, quirky character.
Mysterious and intelligent, L also masquerades as the other 2 renowned detectives in the world: Erald Coil and Deneuve.

Both Ohba (writer) and Obata (artist) choose L as their favorite character from the series. Obha noted he was the "strongest character in the series" while Obata, when asked what he liked about the character, said: "appearance, personality, everything."

Credits to:

I wont let you go :)

Uhm. ano ba pangatlong post ko na to ngayon araw :) err. much! hahaha :DD 7am pa ko dito hanggang ngayon tsssssk. Boredom really strikes me a lot. kaya eto. bumabawi ako kay Blogger na uber na miss ko talaga :"> ohmaaaay. :)))

tungkol san nanaman ba 'tong post ko ? oh yea. actually i dunno. hahaha. :0

Just Kiddin :) uhm. anyways, gusto ko lang ishare yung mga story na kinaadikan ko ngayon :) actually hindi pala"ngayon lang " It was all started nung 2nd year pa ko. yea 4th year High School na ko ngayon :) hindi halata eh :"> eto yung First novel na Binasa ko :)

from my Friendster BLog :)




The Diary^_^0
i’ve been reading this story ng almost 1 day wlang btiwan..Ü ..haistt..napuyat ako Ü…sobra kong nadala sa kilig moments…hehe..
naiyak nang nagpaalam si daryll, natuwa sa taong tinatawag ni LJ MARTINEZ na WEIRD,lam mu un loner serious pha..hehe, kea 2loi lj compares daryl to a shark w/ shades eh. lam mu un shark is symbolizes as a loner person and shades is for privacy nakz may natu2nan p ku..haha Ü,,,
at lalong nainggit sa taong mahal ni MYSTERIOUS GUY… kaze nman eh.nak2ta q cya kay..??hehe,,amp..and the following chapters
are totally great i love it!!!!!! :)….and now… i’m done.. and the ending was totally great!!!…pnabasa qu nga sa ibng clsm8s,frnds and cousin ku eh grabe hnd na nla bnitawan hehe..peo khit savi ng iba k2bitin this is a really excellent story sa lhat e2 pnka fav qu..Ü

~ hahaha :) actually natatawa ko sa sarili ko :))) but YEA :) yan ang pinaka fav ko sa lahat :) THE Diary by Jessica Concha. :)

The Diary -Daryll Romualdez & Lhea Janine Martinez :)

Synopsis from jessica's website :)

Lj Martinez is just a typical girl you'll meet everyday. But never will she expect that her life would change when she started her junior year in high school. There, she met Daryll Romualdez, on whom every girl dreams to be with. He's smart, good-looking, a gifted musician, and an athlete, which made him probably the most famous guy in school. He's almost too perfect to be true. Although he's the guy you are most looking for, he's always alone, runs away from other people, got no friends, turns all girls down, and says what he wants to say even though it'll hurt somebody else's feelings. Will Lj be able to figure out the reasons behind his mysterious actions?

~ eto naman yung isa pa sa fav ko. :)

Southern High.

Riyan Vincel Hetzer & Hallene Rhias


outhern High School is probably one of the schools where cliques are a must. Jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, and even those who are considered as geeks as Hallene Rhias. She despise such people as Raymond Joseph Perez, Charles Orosco, and Riyan Vincel Hetzer who were in this group who thinks girls are just for fun. Her life totally flipped when the City School's Pre-Test came, and an unintentional mistake had her phone exchanged with somebody. Fate has it that, that somebody would be someone from the group that she hates the most. Would things go for the worst, or maybe something as unexpected as to fall in love with one of them will happen?

among her stories. yan talagang dalawa na yan yung pinaka nagpaiyak sa'kin. :)
but then eto pa yung ibang story na hindi ko rin makakalimutan yun mga character. :)

Hundred In One.

Lee Xander Maclean & Kristen Carylle Gutierrez


Kristen Carylle Gutierrez might be hard on the outside, but she's soft in the inside. So when she encountered a problem she couldn't keep to herself, she wrote it on a simple post it note at the school playgrounds. She didn't expect that somebody would write back to her, and comfort her everytime she's got problems. She found a friend to the mysterious 'post-it-guy'. When the mysterious 'post-it-guy' turned out to be her bestfriend's suitor, she couldn't help feeling bad for herself. Now she doesn't have somebody to turn around to but Lee Xander Maclean, the most annoying guy you could ever meet and the grandson of the school board President.

This story serves to open your eyes to the wonders of first love, teenage life, and high school drama, where you could meet...a 'Hundred in One.'


Iyah Nicole Scott & John Erin Aguilar.

"i won't let you down
i won't give you up
i won't let you go"

Synopsis :)

No one could ever have a perfect life as Iyah Nicole Scott. She can buy anything she wants, she has a loving mother, and she also happen to be considered as the 'Face of the Campus'. So when her path accidentally crossed with the the campus' bad boy, Jon Erin, her peaceful life turned into war and hate. To top it all, her mom decided to remarry again and the marriage came in a package: an instant brother. When she's finally catching up with the changes in her life, she realizes that it feels like she's going to crack. Is it because of her new family, her non-stop issue with Jon, or maybe the fact that she's falling in love with her new stepbrother?


Chrisandra Orellana & Ash Jerell Valdez

Lipgloss, hairspray, sexy clothes and guys were never a part of Chris' life. In fact, she's actually considered one of the guys. When she made a contract with the school's skateboarding team captain Ash Jerell to make her archenemy Shalyna's life miserable, she couldn't help but practice her girl hormones to make the plan work. 'Never to fall in love with each other' was her idea of a rule when they started. So when she felt a different sensation when Ash is around, she can't help but to stay away from him. Will she break the rules, or maybe she wasn't breaking anything at all due to a rule she never knew existed?

2th Hour

Jasper Morales & Szarielle Lopez


Riel was so tired of her monotonous life as a rich kid. When she finally put all her guts to enroll in a public high school to pretend to be a poor teenager, there she met Jasper Morales, the class prankster. She continued giving anonymous donations as A.L. and live her pretend life that she enjoyed the most. In fact, the greatest adventure that she did was to be in that high school. So when her identity as A.L. was revealed and she was labeled as a pretentious rich kid, she has never felt so depressed her whole life.

Here's a story proving money isn't everything, and that fairytales don't end at twelve. Let's all come and meet... 25th Hour

LLexter Hendrix and Alynna

Credits to


still waiting for Place in a Time sequel take Two :))


Got this from face book :-)

1. Dapat ba gwapo?
- Nah! mas gusto ko mabaet wala sa mukha yan :)

2. Matalino?
- Ahm.uhm Konti. ayoko lang ng tanga, wala kami mapapala :)

3. Preferred Age?
- same age :0 ayoko na ng mas bata or mas matanda. err. basta >;0

4. Preferred height?
-Taller than me :">

5. How about sense of humor?
- OHWYEA! :"> funny guy really makes me fall <3

6. How about piercings?
- DUH?! a BIG NO!

7. Accepts you for who you are?

8. Pink hair?
- NAH! thats a BIG EEWWW :|

9. Mushy or no?
- UHM.

10. Thin or fat?
- Do you know Jacob BLACK? yun na sagot ko :)))) hahaha.

11. Moreno or chinito or mestizo?
- aww. basta CHinito :">

12. Long hair or short hair?
- Short hair. :)

13. Plastic or metal?
- Huwaaaaaat ? ;P

14. Smells good?
- thats a big YEAAAAH!

15. Smoker?
- HELL NO!!!! errr.

16. Drinker?
- it must be Occasionally.

17. Boy-next-door type?
- UHM :)

18. Musically inclined?
- at least He can play the guitar. :)

19. Plays piano?
- uhm. If he can then, why not? :)

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
- Acoustic :)

21. Plays violin?
- Ahm. :)

22. Sings very good?
- UHM. guitar + a good voice = OMAYYYGADD :)

23. Vain?
- uh.OH :)

24. With glasses?
- uhm wag na merun na ko eh :O

25. With braces?
- Pwede rhen.

26. Shy type?
- WAKKKKK! shy type na ko tapus siya pa? err. ano na manyari samin nuh? eh di WALA :DD<

27. Rebel or good boy?
- uhm Basta wag OWHVER :|

28. Active or passive?
- Active. :)

29. tight or bomb?
- uhmp.

30. Singer or dancer?
- Pede Both? hahaha. :)

31. Suplado?
- Pwedeee. Sa iba.TAMA! :))))

32. Hiphop?
- err I hate Bling Blings :|

33. Earrings?
- err HELL NO! >:|

35. Torpe?
- UHM NO! wag ganun :)

36. Mr. Count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?

37. Dimples?
- Heyyy CUTIE :)))))

38. Bookworm?
- wag over.

39. Mr. Love letter?
- Siyempre para sweet. san kpb mkkhanap nyan ngaun ? :)

40. Makulit?

41. Flirt?
- kung sa'kin lang ba eh. :)

42. Poem writer?
- Yeah! Shakespeare in love. hahahaha :">

43. Serious?
- yea :) dapat seryoso siya sakin :)

44. Campus crush?
- err. no. :) ordinary student lng para sa isang simpleng estudyanteng katulad ko chozs. :)

45. Painter?
- Why not? Haha! :)))

46. Religious?
- YEA :)

47. Alaskador?
- err. NO NO NO!!!! :P

48. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
- Neither.

49. Speaks 20 languages?
- 20 languages for this word "I LOVE YOU"

50. Loyal o faithful?
- BOTH :)))) <3

Friday, October 29, 2010


(-_-) advance HAPPY HALLOWEEN :)

Yea 5 days vacation From Oct 29-Nov2.
though, its really super bitin I have to enjoy the days.

Yesterday, October 29 2010 :)

My Best Friend. AyeLynne Duran celebrated her sweetSixteen :)
and though she's not coming with us, the two of her friends, together with me , celebrated her Birthday, We had our Movie marathon at my house. We had our so called Parteeey parteeey :) We watched the Zombie Land it is a 2009 American zombie comedy film and one of the protagonist in the story really looks like Nick Jonas. the story really amazed me, because at the end I thought that they will all captured by the zombies but then because of Colombus' Zombie land rules. Columbus comes up with for surviving in the zombie-infested world.

Rule 1: Cardio: This one comes up in Zombieland and clearly makes alot of sense. How many fat people do you see at the end of the world when its zombies doing the ending?

Rule 2: Beware of Bathrooms: Really not just bathrooms any good apocalyptic zombie survivor should know better then going into a bathroom, small closet or any other small room with only one way in or out. Only thing stupider to go into then a bathroom is a movie theater. Lots of places to run around before you get eaten.

Rule 3: Seatbelts: Its a safe bet unless your a complete dumb dumb ( see rule #7 ) your not going to be hoofing it on foot in the event of a zombie outbreak. So when travelling on four wheels wear your seat belt. Nothing worse then finding yourself ejected out of your car into the loving and oh so hungry arms of zombies.

Rule 4: Doubletap: Carrying a gun is a great idea but it should never be your primary weapon. When you do end up using it for that last minute 'oh shit' moment remember to double tap. Its an emergency and thats why your using it and not your cricket bat so why skimp? One bullet more in the head will go a long way to ensuring your survival.

Rule 5: No Attachments: This is a tough one but you can not have attachments. If you got kids or a wife your less likely to survive then the gal or guy who has no attachments and nothing slowing him or her down. Or worse yet making bonehead decisions like 'going back into the room'

Rule 6: Travel in a Group: The best way to increase your odds of survival when travelling in a zombie outbreak is to make sure your a traveling buffet. Going it alone gives the zombies no choices but to eat you. Going it with the old man with the limp, the little kid who cant run and the middle aged woman with the plastic leg gives the zombies more options and you better odds you can run away faster then they can.

Rule 7: Keep the Dumb Dumbs Close at Hand: One of the most sure fire ways of making sure you survive is keeping the less intelligent as close at hand as possible. When you find somebody who asks you 'Whats going on? What Happened? Those are the ones you want with you. That way when the zombies come they are likely to stupid to realize its not Amway calling and run.

Rule 8: Kill with Efficiency: Its not about pretty its about efficiency. Alot of folks run for the gun cabinet where as the truly savvy go looking for the most blunt and effective way to destroy the brain. That can be anything from a baseball bat... to a toilet lid! Kill with Efficiency... dont use weapons that need something to work and use weapons you can swing over and over and over again. You dont tend to run into 1 zombie at a time.

Rule 9: Guns Are for Hunting, Not for Zombie Killing: This one is simple. Guns need bullets. When your running who has time to stop for bullets? Keeping a shotgun with buckshot on hand is important but only when your pinned in and need a quick getaway. Its not a proper means for killing zombies as they run out of ammo and need reloading. Remember a Cricket Bat, or Toilet Lid do not need loading!

Rule 10: Be Quiet: Its the end of the world as you know it so try to avoid squeeling like a 4th grade school girl and perhaps invest in some good sneakers. Nobody said you have to kill all the zombies and there is certainly no shame in sneaking around and surviving versus tearing around like a madman and ending up being an undead happy meal.

Rule 15: Know Your Way out! Nothing worse then a poorly planned escape. If your going to be a hero its always a good idea to plan ahead and as the rule states.. know your way out!

Rule 17: Don't Be a Hero: The hot chick who was totally gonna give you some is not worth becoming the undead. So when the going gets rough and the hot chick is about to get undead... its time to flee. No making a stand no ending up a brave zombie. Better to be a chicken liver live guy.

Rule 18: Limber Up: When either fighting a zombie or running from zombies its not a great time to be pulling a muscle or throwing your back out. So limbering up is kind of a must. Stretch it out a little.. it may save your life.

Rule 19: Blend in: Much as Shaun did in Shaun of the Dead its important to blend in. Whens the last time you saw a zombie try to eat another zombie? not easily done but with the right odor and smearing of goo on your face it can happen.

Rule 20: Find The Right Shelter: Shelter is key to survival but since we are already travelling in a group you should ask yourself why the shelter needs to be stationary. For me a motor home or large all terrain vehicle that seats a half dozen would do nicely. Plus when zombies arrive in your neighbourhood there is no last minute scramble to pack and leave. Just put it in drive and roll!

Rule 21: Zombies cant Climb. Much like you have never seen a zombie eat another zombie whens the last time you saw a zombie climb a wall? Well other then the debacle that was the remake of Day of the Dead which had spiderman zombies. Zombies can climb so find high ground if you do need to stop.

Rule 22: Be ruthless: Much like having no attachments being ruthless is key. When your bride turns into the undead, reach for the lid to the toilet seat and be ruthless. The weak and compassionate will not survive in the world of the undead.

Rule 23: God Bless Rednecks: Rednecks are loud, brash, well armed and ready to kick ass now and ask questions later. So when a redneck shows up in your group half drunk and rumbling louder then your humvee welcome him. Sure rednecks can attract zombies but they also are well armed and kill a whole lot of em when they do come for dinner. Best of all they are good bait for you to make your exit while he is making a mess of the zombies and before he realizes he just ran out of bullets and does the happy meal groan.

Rule 24: No Drinking. This one should be pretty plain obvious. Escaping zombies is tough enough as it is. How well do you think you will do after downing a couple shots of Jack Daniels? Drinking is not a good survival tactic.

Rule 31: Check the Back Seat. I cant tell you how many times somebody has eaten it or in this case been eaten because they are just not smart enough to check the back seat. Always check the back seat friends. Always!

Rule 32: Enjoy the Little Things: Its the end of the world. Dont sweat the small stuff. Loot a neighbourhood or two, trash a car, speed! Do the little things and enjoy em. Who knows how long you have to live!

haha :D I really Had so much Fun watching The Film :DD


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

vivir el amor risa :)

Done with (USTET) University of Sto.Tomas Entrance Exam. I hope I can pass.
I only have 5 months left. College na ko :) actually I'm super excited but still I'm very nervous though, :| I still have to Survived the remaining 5 months. 5 months of Difficulties,challenges,trials and hardships and I have to learn.
Any ways,almost two weeks that I missed my Blogger. I MISS YOU SO MUCH BLOGGER. :| It seems that I'm very Busy. YEA. Projects,Examinations, Activities and most of all stuffs >.< actually, I almost failed my last examination because of a CRAP err. Laziness. :| but this time I'll make sure that I'm gonna be serious and be matured enough to handle all those stuffs.

Loving God, as I begin this time of exams,
I feel some anxiety and frustration.
Help me to stay focused.Give me a clear mind,
to perform to the best of my ability.
Help me to study with dedication and vigor.
Grant me silence so that I may process the knowledge I have obtained.
Let me sleep peacefully at night,so that I am refreshed and renewed for my upcoming exams.Be with me, gentle God, during these days.
Undoubtedly, there will be moments when I want to quit and give up.
Please sustain me, Holy One.
Guide me during times of trouble.
Help me be satisfied with the work I have done,but also help me to see areas that I may improve upon academically in the future.

~행복 :)

vivir el amor risa :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

you're so unfair :|

Nakakalito ang mundo.
Kung sinong mahal mo, s’yang ayaw sa ‘yo
H’wag sanang masayang itong
Damdamin kong laan sa ‘yo.
Pa’no naman ako?
Kay tagal ko nang umibig sa ‘yo.
H’wag sanang masayang itong
Damdamin kong laan sa ‘yo.
Kahit habang buhay maghihintay ako sa ‘yo.
Kahit pa maglaho ang mundo.
Kahit habang buhay maghihintay ako sa ‘yo.
Asahan mong hindi magpapalit
Itong damdamin ko.
Pa’no naman ako?
Kay tagal ko nang umibig sa ‘yo.
H’wag sanang masayang itong
Damdamin kong laan sa ‘yo.
Kahit habang buhay maghihintay ako sa ‘yo.
Kahit pa maglaho ang mundo.
Kahit habang buhay maghihintay ako sa ‘yo.
Asahan mong hindi magpapalit
Itong damdamin ko.
Pa’no naman ako? ooh…
Nakakalito ang mundo
Kung sinong mahal mo, s’yang ayaw sa ‘yo…
Kung sinong mahal mo, s’yang ayaw sa ‘yo…
Kahit habang buhay maghihintay ako sa ‘yo.
Kahit pa maglaho ang mundo.
Kahit habang buhay maghihintay ako sa ‘yo.
Asahan mong hindi magpapalit
Hindi-hindi magpapalit
Hindi-hindi magpapalit
Itong damdamin ko.

~Bakit nga ba ganun ang unfair ? minsan kung sino pa yung gusto mo syang ayaw sa'yo pero etong tao na 'to nagkakadarapa mapansin mo lang. tsk. wag naman ganun :|
so anu naman kung hindi tayo meant to be? make a mistake with me, malay mo sa wrong choice mo chumamba ka. hahahaha! di padin makaget over sa "I do" pero eto nalang ang isipin mo ang pag-ibig parang pagsakay ng mrt/lrt yan bakit mo pagsisiksikan yung sarili mo kung puno na may next train pa naman MAKE SENSE? bakit mo pagsisiksikan yung sarili mo sa taong di ka gusto tandaan may next pa actually mahaba nga ang pila e :)))) ♥


Till Tomorrow :)))) loveyou blogger ♥♥ teacher's day bukas.
ADVANCE HAPPY TEACHER's DAy mga minamahal kong GURO :)))))♥♥♥

Sunday, October 3, 2010


“Me and nene, we’re not meant to be. Like the sun that never rises in the west, and the tide that never stays high.”

nakuha ko sa myspace account ko :) haha! over bawat episode ay tumatak sa'king puso supermiss. :))))

credits to the owner of the pics. world of cheries ♥


..sana.. man lang sa sampung hakbang ko papalapit sayo magbigay ka rin ng kahit ....lima.... lang para naman magkita tayo sa gitna.. hindi yung sa hahakbang ako papalapit sayo hahakbang ka palayo sa akin.......
.. ..
basta kapag gustong gusto mo na ako halikan . . manigas ka - Jojo♥....
.. ..
....Hindi.. ..Mo.... Alam?
....Hindi.. ..Mo.... Talaga Alam Na Mahal Na Mahal Kita??....
.. ..
♥Mahirap pumapel sa buhay ng tao.. Lalo na kung hindi ikaw yung bida sa script na pinili nya..♥....
.. ..
“Ano bang meron ako nawala ka? Ano bang Pinakain mo kay Nene, na di ka niya kayang mahalin. Sukang suka siya na di ka niya kaya pakasalan!”

Enchong Dee. :”> Katorse.
.. ..
“a lot can happen in one year”

Melissa from Katorse. TRUE DAT
.. ..
Nene: I love you, Marissa!
Marissa: I love you, Nene!
Jojo: Ba't si Marissa lang ang may I love you?
Nene: I love you, John Joseph Wenceslao! Asan ang I love you ko?
Jojo: Ito oh... habulin mo!
.. ..
“Ang lakas pala ng factor ng Awa sa pagdedesisyon ng tao”

Jojo (Katorse,2009)
.. ..
“I’m just as human. And being human, I’m just as selfish as Gabby. Ne, I want you. I want to have you now. Naiintindihan mo ba yun? I’m just as human and I want you now.”

John Joseph Wenceslao (Enchong Dee), Katorse
.. ..
“Hindi ko alam kung bakit mahal kita, nakakainis”

John Joseph Wenceslao (Katorse)
.. ..
Pero Jojo, mahal talaga kita. Ikaw ang pinili ng puso ko. Si gabby lang ang pinili ng sitwasyon ko ngayon. Jo, magkaiba yun.
(Bongga talaga lines mo Nene. -Katorse)
.. ..
“Tanga ka ba o manhid ka lang talaga?”
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“i’m letting you go but that doesn’t mean on giving up on you.”

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I love you Nene sobra sobra sobra sobra sobra.
….sobra sobra sobra sobra. A million times sobra!
BAHAHA. That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
“Pagkatapos ko ng college, babalikan ko siya. And I will ask her to marry me.”

Jojo (Katorse)
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I'm letting go of you but it doesn't mean I'm giving up on you.
… one day babalikan kita…

Jojo to Nene - Katorse
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You should know by now, this much is true. MY LOVE IS HERE FOR YOU.
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“I really care for you Gabby, I really do. Pero hindi ko alam kung mahal talaga kita.”

Marissa to Gabby (Katorse)
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i'm letting go of you but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on you. one day babalikan kita. Be happy always Nene, be happy okay. – Jojo....
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naniniwala ako na OUR LiFE TOGETHER is like a CAROUSEL. kahit gaano man katagal o kahirap . i will always come back to you and you will always come back to me please keep me in your heart . <3 -- enchong labs <3....
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I'd rather have you as a friend, than not to have you in my life at all!
- Jojo (Enchong)....
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Dear Nene,

happy, happy 16th birthday. I miss you so hurts pero naniniwala ako na our life together is like a carousel, paikot-ikot lang 'to, hindi natatapos. At kahit anong mangyari.. kahit gaano man katagal o gaano man ka hirap, I will always come back to you and you will always come back to me.

Recently, my life with you has been a ferris wheel ride, exciting, nakakagulat, hindi mo alam kung kelan aakyat at babagsak, kung kelan babagal at kelan bibilis. Akala mo okay na.. biglang hindi pa pala. Hindi mo alam kung sisigaw ka o matatawa.. o iiyak o masusuka kasi iba't-ibang emosyon ang hatid because of its unpredictable twist and turns.

Kung ako lang, kaya ko to be in a roller coaster ride with you. If i'd use my heart itatakas kita ngayon din at magpapakalayo tayo. Away from everyone else.

Kaya ko kahit anuman and dumating sa atin. Pero dahil mahal kita hahayaan kitang ayusin ang buhay mo. that's why in the meantime I promise to give you peace. Let's gather our strength para pagdating ng araw I can take care of you.

kahit hindi na tayo masyadong magkikita, please keep me in your heart as I will always keep you in mine and always remember I love you so.

"i'm letting go of you but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on you. one day babalikan kita. Be happy always Nene, be happy okay.

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"Ako lng nmn ang COOL GUY na mgpa2saya sayo!!"-jojo....
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" paikot-ikot lang ang mundo natin , pero sa akin pa rin ang bagsak mo "....
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An ENCHONG a day, keeps the badtrip away.
"ikaw iyong weird girl na nakita kong umiiyak, at ako naman ang cool guy na magpapasaya sa iyo..."....
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"Don't flatter yourself. I'm doing this for Nene. So that she can see na mas gwapo ako sa'yo".....
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"maging masaya ka lang, ne... maging masaya ka lang"
and the hug after ....
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"she's yours now, but don't treat her like dirt. because if you do, i'm telling you i'll go back for her. hindi mo ako mapipigilan."....
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" hayaan mong hugasan ko ang lahat ng problema mo sa buhay. all the pain and misery, sasabay sa daloy ng tubig na to. para mawala lahat ng problema mo sa buhay."....
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NENE: jojo, i love you.
JOJO: anong gagawin naten sa sa pagmamahal mo?
NENE: e di PAGLALABAN naten, hindi hindi kita iiwan, dito lang ako sa tabe mo.....
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"inaamin ko naman e, gago talaga ako dati but i realized, sa buhay pala ng isang gago, darating ang araw na tatalikuran nya lahat ng kagaguhan nya for one special girl. and you know what? you're the special girl for me.weird, pero binago mo ako eh"....
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"Ikaw ang hindi ko maintindihan! For as long as I can remember, I’ve always walked the extra mile for you. Minahal kita at pinagsilbihan ng walang kapalit. The day you said you love me, tinanggap ko lahat ng kundisyon mo. Inintindi ko lahat ng trauma mo. No kissing, no public display of affection, wala lahat! Ne, now it’s my turn, ako naman ang humihingi ng pangunawa mo."....
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"tanga ka ba o manhid ka lang?ako na nagpaanak sayo?hindi mo ba talaga alam?hindi mo ba alam na mahal na mahal kita?"....
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“Kamusta na yung Girlfriend ko na mahal na mahal ko pero hindi ko girlfriend?”

Jojo of Katorse
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KATORSE - 120209
Gab: Inagaw mo sa akin si Nene.
Jojo: Binigay mo sa akin si Nene.
Gab: Nang dahil sayo kaya hindi nya ko kayang mahalin.
Jojo: Dahil sayo kaya hindi ka nya kaayang mahalin.
Gab: Ano bang meron ka na wala ako?
Jojo: Ano bang meron ako na wala ka?
Gab: Ano bang pinakain mo kay Nene kaya hindi ka nya kayang kalimutan?
Jojo: Ano bang pinakain mo kay Nene at hindi ka nya kayang mahalin? Sukang suka siya sayo at hindi ka nya kayang pakasalan?
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"Ayaw mo nun? Solong solo mo nanaman ako." - from katorse.
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“Kung handa ka nang ipaglaban ako; tawagan mo ako. Pero kung hindi, wag na lang tayong magusap.”

Jojo, Katorse
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“Dance with me. Kalimutan mo muna ang lahat. Just think of this moment. You’ll look into my eyes. Whatever you find there, it belongs to you. And what belongs to you will find its way back to you, someday.”

John Joseph Wenceslao (Enchong Dee), Katorse
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“I really care for you Gabby, I really do. Pero hindi ko alam kung mahal talaga kita.”

Marissa to Gabby (Katorse)
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“Gusto ....sana.... kitang ikiss para good luck, kaso ‘di naman tayo. High Five na nga lang.”....
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“mahirap palang maghintay sa taong hindi rin naman pala darating”

Jojo [Katorse]
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Please keep me in your heart, as I will always keep you in mine.”

Jojo, Katorse
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May hangganan din lahat ng pagtitiis Jo, ayokong umabot ka sa hangganan mo. Baka pag umabot ka, bigla ka nalang umalis tas hindi kana bumalik, mas masakit yun. Kaya sa ngayon, I'm giving you freedom para maging masaya ka. Kung mahanap mo man yun sa ibang babae, okay lang, tatanggapin ko yun. Hindi ko yun naman mabibigay sayo yung ganong klaseng happiness sa ngayon eh. Kung mahanap mo yun sa iba, okay lang.
- Nene (Katorse)
Pagkagising ko sa umaga, I just smile kasi I learned na you'll have a great day if you always smile. – ENCHONG....
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“Hanggang ngayon mahal pa rin kita.. It’s always been you. Walang iba..”

Jojo of Katorse.
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Papayag ka rin naman pala pinahirapan mo pa ako, STRESS KA! –nene....
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~haha cenxa di ko na naayus yan nun e. pero lahat nkasave sa files ko :)))

"I DO"

Oct 3 2010 :)

Yea. sa wakas napanuod ko din :)
dapat nung sept 29 pa kea lang dahil sa magulong usapan di natuloy Ö

since My Girl palang eh maka enchong na talaga ko umover nung katorse ,tanging yaman,magkaribal at eto pa "I Do" over over na talaga :DDD

I super love Ernest Lorenzo Dee simply as Enchong Dee :) actually para sakin di siya gwapo e talagang malakas talaga ang appeal niya i love the way He smile :) nakakatunaw (parang yelo) hahaha! xp

okaaaay mabalik tayo sa "I DO" haha simple lang yung story niya pero kapupulutan mo talaga ng aral. haha bawal na ang kwento panuorin ninyo nalang tska na ang reviews. pagod e =]

eto nalang ang mga pick up lines ni janus na tumatak sa puso ko meeganun ? :DD haha! Ö

Ang pagibig parang…

1. computer virus, sinisira lahat ng pinaghirapan mo.

2. cellphone na nahulog sa inidoro, kailangan mo ng lakas ng loob para makuha ito.

3. dry ice yan, kung bibitawan mo lang huwag mo na lang hawakan.

4. crispy pata, masarap pero unhealthy.

5. bill ng kuryente, ang daming hidden charges.

6. Ang pag-ibig hindi parang atm na kuha ka lang ng kuha, mag deposit ka naman.

7. multiple choice yan eh, pag ako ang pinili mo pakakasalan kita.

8. taxi, yung driver namimili ng pasahero pero ako to any point of luzon lagi akong pwede.

9. bangaw na natrap sa kotse, kahit anong bugaw mo ang hirap dispatsahin.

10. nag-m-mrt, bakit mo pa ipagsisiksikan sarili mo kung wala ng lugar, may next train pa naman.

11. ipis na tinapakan, akala mo patay na yun pala buhay pa.

12. tinga, kahit anong sungkit mo naka baon pa rin.


hahaha :DDD owver :))

Ang fate ba ay Chamba? ~ sana! hahaha :DD

o'xa yan na muna superrr pagod dami pang gagawin :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

EDW :))

owhver :) haha october na :) wut da? one month na ang di makakalimutang pangyayari sa buhay ko haha :DDD

watsoever. masaya lang ako ? ewan ko kung bakit di ko maintindihan tong nararamdaman ko. mahal ko ba? o minahal ko ba? ano sa tingin ninyo? ako di ko alam. infatuation or love? *confused* basta masaya ko damhin na lang habang nararamdaman mo pa. TAMA :DDD basta ang masasabi ko lang di ako inlove kung kanino man inis pa nga ko sakanya e. weh di nga? =DDD

"Ang love, minsan parang ipis na tinapakan.... akala po patay na, un pala buhay pa.."

Ang pag-ibig ay parang tinga na kahit ilang bes mong sungkitin, nakabaon pa din.

Ang pag-ibig ay hindi parang atm machine na withdraw ka lang ng withdraw, magdeposit ka naman! :P

haha from the movie "I DO" haha i super love Enchong Dee :) actually di ko pa siya napapanuod sa oct 3 pa dahil sobrang busy ng buhay fourth-yr at pati panunuod ng sine ay wala na kong time weh? haha :) BASTA BASTA :)

eto benta rin sakin over over haha :DD

If I Just Believed - Erik Santos
There was a time the rain reminded me of all my tears
Oh, but now I think of how the rain makes rainbows at peak
There was a time when I felt so lost and all alone
But now I see so clearly that my heart is fin’lly home

There you are, I know you anywhere
You’re the star I wished on each night
The one that I knew would completely change my life
Oh, I knew someday you’d come to me if I just believed

I have this dream I kept inside of me my whole life long
A little voice that whispered to my heart to just hold on
I knew that I would someday learn to spread my wings and fly
Turn it back against the wind and let it lift me high

There you are, I know you anywhere
You’re the star I wished on each night
The one that I knew would completely change my life
Oh, I knew someday you’d come to me if I just believed

Time can find a way to shine love’s light
And he never know what’s waiting on the other side of midnight

There you are, I know you anywhere
You’re the star I wished on each night
The one that I knew would completely change my life
Oh, I knew someday you’d come to me if I just believed

Oh, I knew someday love would come to me if I just believed

*This song is currently used as an OST for Magkaribal (Caloy-Chloe).



sa totoo lang kay papa enchong dee talaga ko inlove eh haha :"> owvher!

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