No matter how hard you’ve been through, always remember that not all the roads will always be rocky to you.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgment Day! May 21, 2011

i love you, GOOD BYE

It’s the right time to say good bye...

Anyway, I don’t get it. What’s good in Good Byes if it only means that you’ll never see the person again or maybe in a long period of time?

Leaving someone is the hardest thing to do. Especially if you really love that someone and that someone marks the biggest changed in your life but that’s life anyway, we should move on, stop reminiscing the past and face the reality. If we really love someone let him/her go if they come back then, it is meant to be.

And as the time goes by… your path might cross again…and as you see each other again
You aren’t living in a life with full of regrets but with a spectacular life that as you woke up in the morning you start your day with a smile ‘coz you learned that you’ll have a great day if you always smile and tomorrow is another day with full of satisfaction. Learn to appreciate simple things don’t live in regrets ‘coz God makes no mistake Only God knows what’s the best for us. 

Xiah. I might be brokenhearted but that’s life. Live.Love.Laugh. <3

Sunday, May 8, 2011

9 months of Friendship~Love

I hate it. My heart is going to explode like a nuclear bomb. I can imagine how it’s going to happen. I can’t understand myself. I really want to move on but boredom’s doesn’t help. I was still a little bit crazy over him. I can’t help it. I really missed him a lot. I miss his sweet text messages, his laughs, his smile, and everything about him. I really can’t help myself. I was still reminiscing the old days, our first meeting, the bonding moments where there’s still no feeling at all, Our CAT Overnight “His Birthday” , December 22 the day where I can help but to confess my true feelings over him. It was like “Wala na talaga kong Lusot”. It wasn’t really obvious but because of his friends and with my friends there’s a feeling build between the two of us. That we really can’t deny at all. Until, 2011 arrived. January 27 His retreat letter that really breaks my heart. February 19 Our JS prom He is my first and last dance. And it was a fairytale and the greatest story ever told. I really can’t help myself but to listen with the songs that reminds me of him and I was crying like there’s no tomorrow. March 12 He confessed his true feeling for me with the song “Maniwala ka sana by Parokya ni Edgar” and I was crying while there’s a big smile on my face ‘coz He just want us to still be friends. March 29 came and it marks the biggest changed in my life. He wanted to court me. And of course I said “YES.” Days passed by, My Graduation Day has finally done. Until April 17 came, and it was totally an emotional break down, I finally made my decision I don’t want to love a guy who was still confused about his feelings. So, I have to let go of this feelings though it really breaks my heart. It was the right thing to do. And I have to be strong enough and if we really meant to be then it is. Only the right time can tell.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The higher you build the walls around your heart, the harder you fall for someone who tears them down.

It’s the 1st day of the month, the month of May where the flowers seem to blossom as we celebrate the Floral Fest. But for me flowers might cease to grow as I started having this bad feeling. I was kinda having a hard time sleeping at night, just to wait for him to text me. I woke up earlier just to check if he texted me. But I was really disappointed and I didn’t even saw his name in my inbox for so many days now. For me to be honest, I’ am really depressed right now. I even read his old messages just to stop this insanity, but in the end, it was miserable and I started to cry harder and starting to have an emotional break down. I really can’t help myself. I am having a hard time to move on. Even though my mind keeps on telling me that Hey Idiot open your eyes, stop reminiscing you should face the present! He’s not even worth your tears. He’s so immature Use your brain not your fragile heart. But I can’t. I just Love him a lot. I really do. But it’s my decision so I should be strong enough to surpass this. Let go and be happy :)


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