No matter how hard you’ve been through, always remember that not all the roads will always be rocky to you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New

2011 Top 10 Best Memories. (In Random Order)
1.Retreat @ Sienna College
2.Field Trip @ Pampanga & Subic
3.Junior and Senior Promenade
4.St. John Reunion @ Ma’am Racquel’s Place. / Ma’am Racquel’s Birthday Celebration
5.Graduation Day! :3
6.College Life First Semester.// Unforgettable Gala with my Peers in College.
When we watched:
-Drag me to Hell
Dancing Fountain @ Rizal Park
Sarah Jane’s 18th Birthday
7.I passed the Audition for Bahnaag Theatre Company/ Overnight Training @ Kuya Gori’s Place/ My First Ever Stage play “ Watawat: Nasaan Ang Hustisya?”
8.My 17th Birthday :))
9.Dates with my Girlfriends :">
-Praybeyt Benjamin with Kate, Hycee & Bim
-Breaking Dawn with Aye
-Won’t Last a Day Without You with Hya, Kate & Carmela
10.TUP 110th Foundation Day! :D


Thursday, December 15, 2011

God is Good, All The Time ♥

"..Yes, of course, you want to control so everything happens in just the way you want it. But at the end of the day, we control nothing, - it's all in God's hands, - has always been, and will always be. So, do what you can, and then let go, and let God handle the rest."


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Being inspired with someone is the simplest and the best reason why you find yourself smiling without reason"

Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me
'coz Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this >:)

Special Thanks to my peers in College! :* You're the Best!! Love y'all >:D<

Dec 13, 2011 TUP Foundation Day! @ TUP Green Society Booth :)
Thank you for this wonderful moment that surely, I'll never forget in my entire life. :)Hihih, I can't help but to smile like this :") *kilig*

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
I know this isn't just a simple crush.
I want to be with you forever. :) RMBE. :*

Friday, November 25, 2011


Unkabogable Friday! with my BELOVED ES :))

Cheers to our very own Eph Fornoles for winning Mr. TUP- Manila 2011 :D
Environmental Science is the best :* - College of Science! :))

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Graxiah's Photography :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

BTC :)

YEY! So, It really happened! :D Last November 16 & 17. I had my first ever stage play with BAHNAAG Theater Company entitled: Watawat Nasaan ang Hustisya? :) It was really great! :) All out ang Support ng mga friends & other blockmates ko! Super Happy. Sulit ang pagod namin lahat dahil natapos 'to ng may dala kaming ngiti sa aming mga labi ! :) Yay! It really boost my confidence, thank you for this opportunity! :) I so love Theater Arts! :">> Hihih. I had nothing else to say, I'm just looking forward to our next stage play this coming February. Hihih :p

Friday, November 4, 2011

SembreAK kwenTO.

So, I only have 3 days left before I can finally feel the pressure waiting for me this coming second semester. Waiting talaga huhuhuhu. Another set of terror Profs. :( huhu Wish me luck! Cause I really need to study hard. I’m not satisfied with my grades though I didn't fail any of my subjects last semester. To tell you the truth, I want to be listed as one of the Dean’s lister hopefully this second sem. :|

Oh well, but for now, I’m still enjoying my vacation hihi. :') Super Gala! I’m so sorry if I haven’t been updated here. Super sorry ‘cause I’m trying my best to be more active on tumblr :3 Tsss. But I ‘am here now no more worries!! Hihi. I just want to share these Unforgettable happenings in my life now. Yuhooo :D

- Last Friday, October 28 2011; we had our overnight training workshop for Bahnaag Theatre Company at Kuya Gori’s place, our Company Manager. :">> I really had so much fun, though pinag-kaisahan nila ko. Huhuhuh LOL :P well, It’s really my fault naman kase, Ako na ang mahirap ispellengin. Err, We’re not just too close. Ayoko kasi ng feeling close agad. Duh! :p mas feel ko ako yung inaapproach sa personal kahit na madaldal ako sa Txt. Tss. Yeah, yun ang problem sa'kin eh, but in my 17 years of living sa dami na ng mga naging kaibigan ko ngayon lang talaga nangyari yun. Huhuhuh. Hahaha too much drama na-explain ko nnaman yung side ko so, no worries! Be Happy, Be Budoy. Hahaha! :”> and also we had our 2nd Audition and I proud to say that I passed the Initiation and I ‘am now a Decurion  Hihi :p *Cheers* So, ayun umaga na kami nakauwi. #LOL overnight nga eh. MALAMANG lang diba? Hahaha.

-Eto na nga, October 29, 2011 Aye’s Birthday >.< but she’s not coming with us. I really missed that ‘crazy’ friend of mine. :| So, I still feel sleepy yet, I still manage to go with them, huhu. Umuwi lang ako sagit samin then, GORA na agad. :P We watched Private Benjamin na sumakit yung panga ko kakatawa. #MYGAWWWD HAHAHA! :D and also we watched the Mall Tour of Bagets hihihih :”> nakita ko rin ang Super Duper Ultimate Major Crush ko wihihihi none other than “Adrian Justine ‘AJ’ Muhlach! Super duper Gwapo much! :”>> ansaber ng Teach me How to Dougie? Hahaha! My gosh! :) ..
The day went so Unkabogable! It went so well, Super sulit kahit kulang sa tulog ! :”>>

-And The days really run so fast hindi naman ako nabored #LOL My Halloween went so simple. I just watched movies. Well, not a horror movie ‘cause I’m scared. #LOL hindi parin makapagmove-on sa Insidious my gawd! :p Hahaha. So, This coming Sunday another gala with my bestpare! :”>> we’ll going to watch Sarah G. in Trinoma! Super Duper Excited much Haha! :D ‘till here Daldalita! :DDD

-STORYko.BUHAYko.aKOto. :)

Monday, October 17, 2011


National Service Training Program or simply as NSTP, It aims to promote and integrate values education, transformational leadership, spirit of patriotism and nationalism and sustainable social mobilization for youth development, community building and national security. As I’ve enrolled myself in The National Service Training Program, I choose between CWTS, ROTC and LTS.

But as an Environmental Science student I prefer Civic Welfare Training Service thus, I can build up my aptitude as an environmentalist in the near future. CWTS refers to the Program component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare services.

As we are trained by our trainor, Sir Julius Delos Trinos, we did a lot of activities. In our first week of training we are given the chance to get to know each other, our first impression to one another, and our goal starting that day is to prove to them that first impression didn’t last. We should be aware of the attitudes of one another to develop a harmonious society among each other. Also, we should develop not only our knowledge and skills but also our attitude and moral character and we should be mature enough in setting our goals and perspective in life.

In our training, I never expected that I’ll enjoy and learned many things and gain more knowledgeable in every activity that we did. I thought that it will be tiresome and we can’t get along with each other but as the training goes by, my point of view had been change we learned to show our real attitude towards each other, we inspire and we get inspired by one another and not only my knowledge had grown but also I’ve grow as a person and my character as well.

We’ve had fun and shared our own experiences through the things that need to be discussed. As we tackled about leadership, Sir Delos Trinos gave us a lecture about the things that we need to mull over to become an effective leader and a good member. As a leader you should set your goals and priorities to be able to do all the activities and you must be the one to guide all your members and being a leader is not just something that we can be overnight. Being a leader is a commitment to growth, and to willingness to bear the responsibilities that come with leadership. And as one of the members you should give your cooperation and you must also give your own decisions in the activity to avoid conflicts and misunderstanding between the leader and the members.

We also learned the importance of Patriotism and Nationalism. Nationalism is the common bond which holds the people of a nation together. Most people are proud to belong to a country and are usually prepared to do what they have to do to defend it. Patriotism is a love for one's country and a desire to make her better. Patriotism is very important because it allows individuals to care about their country as a whole. It also allows them to have pride in actions the take and the decisions they make that are going to affect their Nation. And also, I learned the importance of having a flag to represent one’s nation. It was discussed to us the different positions of the Philippine flag in different places and occasions. We also did the proper ways of handling our flag. We also learned being Maka-Diyos, Maka-Kalikasan, Maka-Tao at Maka-Bansa. As one of the citizens in our country having these characters will guide us to the right path, it will enhance our physical, social and emotional character and eventually, helps us to achieve our goals in life.

We also did a role play concerning illegal-drugs the intention of doing this is for us to become aware about the illegal substance. In our play we learned that there are many things that can be used to hide these illegal drugs and by doing this play it helps us to have awareness to stop using illegal drugs. And As NSTP student trainees we should help promoting to stop using these illegal substances. We also did a poster/ slogan concerning on how to stop the use of illegal drugs. NSTP also did an event wherein we can share our talents. The program was called as “NSTP Got Talent.” NSTP student trainees as well as my block mates shared their different talents in singing, dancing, drawing and writing an essay. They can finally show their hidden talents and through this program they’ll enhance their talents as well as their confidence.

We also had a Youth Peace Festival in Mall of Asia Concert Grounds the Theme is “Youth Peace-building Initiative towards Responsive Community Action.” Our aim is to promote peace in the society. Different universities had gathered to be able to do the sign of peace. The Objectives are; To create awareness and contribute to the sustainability of peace from among the youth and the community; To promote camaraderie and strengthen relationship between students, coordinators, trainers, and stakeholders in the implementation of the program;To appreciate the value of peace as a means of developing culture of service. The said event was one of the most unforgettable happenings in our training even though it rained so hard on that day, there is no such thing will change the feeling of being happy as we’ve create bonding moments during the program. And it was a new experience that we’ll treasure forever. Also, I did learn the importance of order and peace in our society.

Our NSTP was scheduled every Friday of the week at ten o’clock in the morning up to one in the afternoon at our first week it was really a hard adjustment for me and I had been late for 10 minutes and we had to sing a song in the front of the class but then as time goes by I did learn to adjust myself and wake up more earlier. In four months time, I did learn so many things, my knowledge and skill had been develop as well as my character and attitude. I had been created my group of friends through this training, I had known all my block mates and their real attitudes and we’ve shared different experiences and point of view in life.

We’ve create memories and not only memories that we’ll treasure forever but also a knowledge that will eventually helps us in the second semester and all through our stay in the university and also, for a better future. In our last few weeks of training in this semester before our final examination, we also did learn about Voters Education it covers the basic concepts and ideas to be considered in creating awareness for us to exercise well our right of suffrage and sovereignty. We watched a short documentary film wherein the concern of the film is for us to know the importance of one’s vote for the right choice of future leaders. It was really a big help for us so that, when we already in the legal age to vote we already have knowledge to elect the right leaders of our country.

After we have discussed about the Voters Education we had a game wherein the intention of the game is to bond with each other and also for us to have a cooperation to win the game. It was really an enjoyment for us. I had a chance to bond with my other block mates. All through the game there is only one thing in my mind is to enjoy the rest of the program.

And I’d really been thankful for the National Service Training program as well as our trainer, Sir Julius Delos Trinos who’d been our guidance for us to develop our knowledge and skills. I’d learn so many things and it will not only help me in the course that I’m taking up but also it will help me as an individual, as a person, as a student and as citizen in this country I’d grow a lot I learned to cooperate, to share my perspective and to show the real me. As a student I’d learned so many things about this institution, about our university the vision and mission of our university and the TUP hymn and because of that it makes me proud to one of the students of our university. I’m looking forward to the next semester!


In four months time, it’s really been a great experience College wasn’t that I expected I did things that I don’t expect that I can do. We aren’t just bonded with knowledge but also by heart as a future environmentalist. It’s really a long journey for us and hopefully after four years all of us will get our diploma and finally find a job where we can share our intellectual ability to save our mother earth ♥

So our first semester had finally come to an end. I just want to thank all the people who’d been my inspiration in this voyage. THANK YOU GUYS! \m/ YOU ROCK! SEE YOU ALL NEXT SEM! :*

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Watawat:"Nasaan ang Hustisya?"

Bakas Ang Hubog Ng Arte At Galaw (BAHNAAG) Theater Company PRESENTS: One of the great Filipino Playwright & Author RENE VILLANUEVA's WATAWAT a tragic story who was actually inspired by Vizconde Massacre. The story is about a woman selling the house where her children were murdered, deadset on going back to the States and leaving everything behind, especially the painful memories of his murdered family, in a country where nothing is safe, not even your home. JUSTICE will PREVAIL!!

SOOOOOOOOON. >:)) Yihee. ★
I will play the role of "TRACY", a 10 year old girl, for our upcoming semi-musical play entitled WATAWAT: "Nasaan ang Hustisya?" which will be held @ TUP ( i dunno the venue yet,) this coming September 22 and 23. :"> I will upload our posters, group pics, playbills, teaser etc. HOPEFULLY this week :)))
and also the summary of the story :) I'm hoping for a progressive week! :) I'll tell more stories soon! Take Care. To God be The Glory. Ü

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A reason to start over new and the reason is You :')

Happy First Anniversary to my Dearest Blogger! :)

It's been a year, time really runs fast. masasabi kong "Parang Kahapon lang.." I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.

Hayy, Kay bilis ng mga pangyayari sa buhay at eto, Andami nanaman pangyayari at I know marami pang mangyayari.. gustuhin ko man magkwento parang may pumipigil sakin. Siguro I just can't express it through words, hindi ko mahanap yung exact word para maiexplain yung nararamdaman ko ngayon basta ang alam ko lang I should always look on the positive side of life tska na ang "pag-eemote" Hehe. at dahil one-year anniversary namin ni blogger. I'll try my best na puro Good Vibes lang ang ippost ko dito. :) ayoko narin kase balikan yung mga alaala ng kahapon na puro pain and heartbreak lang ang mababasa ko. I want Euphoria which is great happiness. at Isa pa, nakakapagod narin magpaka-tanga.

Sabi nga nila.., Maganda ka naman eh, Talented pa. Matalino ka naman.. Gamitin mo yang mga yan, Hindi puro 'puso lang', At lagi mong tatandaan hindi tayo dapat magmakaawa sa mga taong mahal natin, dahil ang pagmamahal ay hindi kailangang may naaagrabyado. Kailangan "quits lang." Hindi yung lagi nalang ikaw ang nag-eefort. Respetuhin mo yang sarili mo. Wag mong ubusin ang Pride mo sa walang kwentang-tao Magtira ka ng dignidad sa sarili mo. At higit sa lahat Mahalin mo yang sarili mo. dahil kung hindi ikaw ang talo.. Mahalin mo ang sarili mo ng buong-buo wag kang mabulag sa pag-ibig. kung ayaw niya sa'yo edi maghanap ka, mag move-on ka, marami pa diyan hindi mo lang napapansin "sa maling tao ka kasi naka-focus." :)

-GRAXIA. A reason to start over new
and the reason is You :')

Sunday, August 7, 2011


just had our pictorial at UP Diliman for our upcoming semi-musical play entitled "WATAWAT nasaan ang Hustisya" our theater play will be held on September 15 and 16 :'>
Excited much.:'>

I will tell stories soon!
just droppin by here. got a lot of things to be done.

HAAAY college life. :|

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Da One"

I know na hindi pa ito ang right time nor right blog para ipost ko ito. But I just can’t help it, hindi ko alam sa sarili ko kung tama bang mag-kagusto ulit ako? Well, it was just over a year ago simula nung nakilala ko siya. The guy behind why I made this blog. Ewan ko parang ambilis pero hindi ko masasabing wala na kong feelings para sa kanya, I still love him. I really do.

Namimiss ko na rin naman siya it’s been 4 months simula nung huli kaming ngkita. Yea ryt. Nung graduation pa yun. Ewan ko mukhang Malabo na talaga ang lahat sa amin pero still, aaminin ko umaasa pa din ako. Pero hindi mawawala yung magkagusto ko sa iba. Tao rin naman ako eh And beside babae ako. I’m now in college kaya hindi na Malabo yung temptasyon. So, eto yung guy na sinasabi ko. Siya yung guy na nagbibigay inspirasyon sa akin ngayon gusto ko yung personality niya hindi lamang bilang kuya naming sa Teatro kundi yung mga pananaw niya sa mga bagay bagay.. Ewan ko ba sa sarili ko Una ko palang siya nakita nung Audition eh. I felt something na kakaiba.. Parang namesmerized agad ako sa kanya.. at siya pa yung Unang tao na kumausap sakin after I passed that audition and I like the way he’s talking to me natural lang..kumbaga lahat na yata ng gusto ko sa lalaki eh, nasa kanya na Good Personality, Good attitude, Talented and Syempre His looks.

But the only problem eh, alam ko hindi ako ang “ Da One” para sakanya..

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I'm Officially SEVENTEEN :">> THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! This is my best birthday so far! Lovelots! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To God be the Glory. :))

Got nothing to do here at the computer shop. So, eto..palalampasin ko ba ang pagkakataon to share some EXCITING yet THRILLING events na nangyari sa buhay ko these past few days of course NEVAH :P YEAH.

Here I'am Blogger, I'm Back!! :) well, I really missed blogging a lot.. a part of me saying na.. should I stop blogging and sharing my thoughts? but as a whole I still want to. It's the only thing na nakakapagpagaan ng loob ko. I'm NOT A WRITER nor a STORY TELLER ni hindi nga ko mahilig magbasa ng libro eh.. well, sometimes kapag tinopak ng kasipagan, :P I used to be a writer before pero hindi talaga ko pinagpala sa larangan na yun eh, so I'll stick with this nalang sa pamamagitan ng pag-sshare ng mga bagay bagay based on my own experience and thoughts maybe someday, masasabi ko sa sarili ko na Wow! Ako ba talaga 'to??! :))) so never give up.. everything's happen for a reason so kung nawawalan ka ng lakas ng loob always remember na "God will never put you in a situation where you shall became miserable."

He has His own way kung paano niya ipapakita sa'yo kung paano ka magiging matured at mag grow sa larangan na yun :)) So, here's the story kung bakit ko sinasabi 'to, It was just happened last friday.. Initial Screening yun for our theater play hmmm.. nakwento ko nanaman siguro yung tungkol dun diba? so, eto na nga.. they want me to act so, drama ang scene but i can't cry.. hindi naman sa pagiyak yung problema hindi lang talaga ko makapagfocus masyado kong tensionada that time parang lahat ng pressure eh nilanghap ko na 'nilalanghap nga ba yun (?):P hindi ko talaga maintindihan sa sarili ko ba't ganun so, umuwi ako na parang pasan amg buong problema ng buong universe naisip ko bigla..,God feeling ko talaga hindi para sakin 'to eh?? but tumahimik ako saglit, matagal ko nang hinihiling na may makaappreciate sa kung anu mang meron ako at eto dumating na nga yung time na yun So, reflection sa sinabi ko kanina hindi niya ko pababayaan alam kong may maganda kang plano para sa akin at ako mismo ang dapat makaalam sa sarili ko kung anu man iyon.. so, hanggang dito nalang uh? =)))

3 more days to go. x.x

Saturday, July 9, 2011

LATE POST :/ 14 days to go..

1 month to go.

I was about to blog this last June 22 but unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to. Because of having a hectic schedule as a College Student. Last June 22, I had this big smile on my face. I’m not going to tell the whole story but I’m going to tell who’s the reason of my happiness :"> well, Yah now all about him well, the reason behind having this BLOG is none other than HIM :))) YEAH >.< I still can’t get over of that man. I still LOVE him? Not really =D we’re great friends now. And I’m Happy being one of his friends. I’d rather have him as a friend that not to have him in my life at all. He just made me happy in simple things he did. He’s having a count down for my birthday.

Yay! 1 month to go =) and I’m looking forward of that day!! (:


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bakas ang Hubog ng Arte at Galaw Theater Company

I just wanna share this on my blog! :) Super happy kasi eto yung First time ko na mag'audition. alam ninyo yun? Yung dati parang gusto ko na isumpa yung sarili ko kasi bakit sila may talento? samantalang ako pinagkaitan na yata. Ngayon lang kasi ako nagkaroon ng lakas ng loob ipakita yung talentong 'to at malaki talaga yung pasasalamat ko sa mga taong nagbukas at nagbigay ng oportunidad para maipakita ko kung ano ang kaya ko. at Salamat rin kasi may na'kakaappreciate pala sa ginagawa ko. Salamat sa mga nakuha kong Compliments at ngayon alam ko na sa sarili ko na may ipagmamalaki pala ko sa larangan' ito. :)

-Bahnaag Theatre actress :">

Thursday, June 23, 2011

HELL in College LIFE. :|

I hate it. :| I hate being a College Student. they doesn't give us some mercy. Do they actually think that we College Students are immune to rain & sickness? :/ but in reality, we're MORE VULNERABLE in getting sick. because WE COMMUTE, WE get STRANDED at ang PINAKA nakakainis na PART e, yung makikipagsiksikan ka sa LRT at FEELING MO. SUPERB LATE KA NA. :| and that was actually what I hate the most. :/ i hate the part na super ULAN na at Bahang Baha na e. Sige, Go at papasok parin kami. haiiy.

I'm just getting pissed off :|

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today My Life Begins ~

I just woke up this morning, first things first of course is I open my Facebook account then, I saw is this song sang by Bruno Mars with the title 'Today My Life Begins' who was posted by our retreat master Father Roman Caleon I listened to this song and I think I had a Last Song Syndrome .. the lyrics not only stuck in my mind over and over again but also it brings enlightenment in my heart..

" i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it's mine for the taking
i know i can make it, today my life begins "

"life's to short to have regrets
so I'm learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget
only have one life to live
so you better make the best of it" :)

Freshmen a Newbie! :|

hello blogger, it's been a long time sorry i haven't blog last summer vacation :| well, summer wasn't good for me :| anyway, I already in College.. Taking up Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science in the premier state university of technology education in the Philippines The 'Technological University of the Philippines' and I'm one of those so called "Iskolar ng Bayan": and I'm very proud of that :))) well it's my second week in college and i can really feel the pressure superb I'm extremely exhausted nowadays, Home Works, Reporting, + Terror Profs. What Duh Hell in College? :| haiiy :( I hope to survived all of that :|


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgment Day! May 21, 2011

i love you, GOOD BYE

It’s the right time to say good bye...

Anyway, I don’t get it. What’s good in Good Byes if it only means that you’ll never see the person again or maybe in a long period of time?

Leaving someone is the hardest thing to do. Especially if you really love that someone and that someone marks the biggest changed in your life but that’s life anyway, we should move on, stop reminiscing the past and face the reality. If we really love someone let him/her go if they come back then, it is meant to be.

And as the time goes by… your path might cross again…and as you see each other again
You aren’t living in a life with full of regrets but with a spectacular life that as you woke up in the morning you start your day with a smile ‘coz you learned that you’ll have a great day if you always smile and tomorrow is another day with full of satisfaction. Learn to appreciate simple things don’t live in regrets ‘coz God makes no mistake Only God knows what’s the best for us. 

Xiah. I might be brokenhearted but that’s life. Live.Love.Laugh. <3

Sunday, May 8, 2011

9 months of Friendship~Love

I hate it. My heart is going to explode like a nuclear bomb. I can imagine how it’s going to happen. I can’t understand myself. I really want to move on but boredom’s doesn’t help. I was still a little bit crazy over him. I can’t help it. I really missed him a lot. I miss his sweet text messages, his laughs, his smile, and everything about him. I really can’t help myself. I was still reminiscing the old days, our first meeting, the bonding moments where there’s still no feeling at all, Our CAT Overnight “His Birthday” , December 22 the day where I can help but to confess my true feelings over him. It was like “Wala na talaga kong Lusot”. It wasn’t really obvious but because of his friends and with my friends there’s a feeling build between the two of us. That we really can’t deny at all. Until, 2011 arrived. January 27 His retreat letter that really breaks my heart. February 19 Our JS prom He is my first and last dance. And it was a fairytale and the greatest story ever told. I really can’t help myself but to listen with the songs that reminds me of him and I was crying like there’s no tomorrow. March 12 He confessed his true feeling for me with the song “Maniwala ka sana by Parokya ni Edgar” and I was crying while there’s a big smile on my face ‘coz He just want us to still be friends. March 29 came and it marks the biggest changed in my life. He wanted to court me. And of course I said “YES.” Days passed by, My Graduation Day has finally done. Until April 17 came, and it was totally an emotional break down, I finally made my decision I don’t want to love a guy who was still confused about his feelings. So, I have to let go of this feelings though it really breaks my heart. It was the right thing to do. And I have to be strong enough and if we really meant to be then it is. Only the right time can tell.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The higher you build the walls around your heart, the harder you fall for someone who tears them down.

It’s the 1st day of the month, the month of May where the flowers seem to blossom as we celebrate the Floral Fest. But for me flowers might cease to grow as I started having this bad feeling. I was kinda having a hard time sleeping at night, just to wait for him to text me. I woke up earlier just to check if he texted me. But I was really disappointed and I didn’t even saw his name in my inbox for so many days now. For me to be honest, I’ am really depressed right now. I even read his old messages just to stop this insanity, but in the end, it was miserable and I started to cry harder and starting to have an emotional break down. I really can’t help myself. I am having a hard time to move on. Even though my mind keeps on telling me that Hey Idiot open your eyes, stop reminiscing you should face the present! He’s not even worth your tears. He’s so immature Use your brain not your fragile heart. But I can’t. I just Love him a lot. I really do. But it’s my decision so I should be strong enough to surpass this. Let go and be happy :)


Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 17. It's OVER.

Mahal mo ba?

Madali sabihin na Mahal mo ang isang tao,
madali nga, Pero MAHIRAP PATUNAYAN..

Hindi gugulo ang nararamdaman ng isang tao kung sigurado na talaga siya at
hindi siya mag'aalinlangan PATUNAYAN ITO.

AYOKO NA. matagal ko na dapat ni' LET GO yung feelings ko para sa kanya pero wala eh, TANGA 'ko.. si MR. LEFT pala yung dumating haiy... :(

pacenxa na nagmahal lang naman ako, :|
Pero Ok na, madli lang 'to..

Parang problema lang eh, dinadaanan lang 'to..hindi tinatambayan..

Makakapag Move-ON din ako.

Mahirap Oo, Mahal ko. e. Minahal ko eh. >:((

Pero kakayanin Dahil yung ang nararapat at yun ang Tama.

Kesa naman Magpaka-tanga ko di ba? :)

Kung hindi niya kaya patunayan ang nararamdaman niya at hindi pa siya handa,

Oh well, Wala 'tong patutunguhan. Sorry nagmahal ako ng Immature eh. :|

Yun lang ang Pagkakamali ko eh >:( Pero simula pa lang aman alam ko nang ganun eh.. TORPE haiy :( walang lakas ng loob. ganun talaga pero mahal ko eh. MINAHAL ko pa rin. Inintindi ko pero ngayon 'di ko na talaga kaya Ako na lang ba lagi gagawa ng MOVE? oh my Babae parin ako. Ubos na pride ko -.- naging DESPERADA pa tingin nila sa'kin.

AYOKO NA madami pa d'yan. :)
mahahanap ko rin yang si Mr. Right in right time and right place.
Yung feelings ko para sa kanya isasantabi ko muna Malay natin haiy :( hehe :)))

xiah. (SHE-YA)

Mr. Seventeen (RIP)

Rest In Peace.
Antonello Joseph Sarte Perez
Born: Feb 17,1993
Twitter Acc: ajperez17
Jersey No.: 17
Died: April 17,2011

since i am really sad about AJ perez's death i thought i should post this
Before AJ died, he made a letter for his “future” girlfriend, this was featured in Candy Magazine. You should read this one, :(

Dear Future Girlfriend, I’ve already come across many nice girls, all of them gorgeous in their own way, but like you, I am still searching. I don’t think it’ll be too hard, because I don’t really demand too much- after all, I am not looking for Ms. Perfect, I am looking for Ms. Right. Physically, you may be the simplest girl in the room, but there has to be that certain something about you that I find charming. It will be nice, of course, if you have positive attitude and an interesting personality. I hope that you can be understanding and supportive of the things I do and the things that are important to me. It will be great if you can make me laugh! There are no dull moments with someone that I know is funny. I want our relationship to be filled with excitement and surprises- I don’t want anything stagnant; I don’t want “just okay”. One of my weaknesses is the sweetness of a girl. If you can find a way to cheer me up after a long bad day, that would really make me feel good. I will also appreciate if you text me sweet stuff. I’d like to wake up to a good morning message from you, and go to bed at the end of the day after hearing you say goodnight. Another thing you should know: I believe that the best relationships always start from friendship. I want to be able to talk to you, be silly with you, and simply hang out with you. I want you to value the “friend” part of being my girlfriend. I also want us to share each other’s life, and I don’t want everything to be just about the two of us. I want our relationship to extend to other aspects of our lives, including our friends, family, and most of all GOD. A relationship will last only if we accept both the good and bad things about each other. Despite all the criteria I’ve mentioned above, I want to make it clear that I don’t want you to change a single thing about yourself just to please me. Losing your identity and turning into someone completely different is not necessary. Relax, I already like you, and I like you for who you truly are. I am looking forward to meeting you, and I know that one of these days, I will. I trust that we’ll find each other soon, and when that time comes, I know you’ll prove to me that you were definitely worth to wait.

Your Future Boyfriend,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 14.

Late post. haiiiy :( i just wrote it in my journal.

It's been four years had passed. hm, Sort of Bitterness? Oh, i don't think so, I already moved on. =) PROMISE. yeah, I was just bored. NO INTERNET CONNECTION :/ haaay BOREDOM :|


more than friends but less than lover.. pero para sa'kin SIMPLE lang naman ang pinapahiwating ng mga termino na yan eh..

"MAGULONG USAPAN" Parang Kayo, Pero 'di KAYO. Mahal ninyo ang isa't isa pero NO COMMITMENT at all. It's COmplicated kumbaga. pero bakit nga ba ganun? marami parin sa 'tin ganyan ang estado sa relasyon? oh, anyway hindi naman sa gusto nila. Marahil NO CHOICE lamang talaga yung iba. Una sa Lahat, May mga bawal pa talaga yung tipong inaantay pa yun legal age nila bago pumasok sa isang commitment. Meron naman iba na TAKOT lang talaga lalo na sa BREAK-UP. Masaya na sila sa ganyang relasyon. Yung iba naman mga sadyang TANGA lang na nag-aantayan sa move ng bawat isa kaya kahit na MAHAL na MAHAL na nila yung isa't isa eh, nasa ganito parin silang estado.. at higit sa lahat yung iba MASAYA na sila sa ganitong relasyon at baka daw dumating si Mr. Right kaysa naman na pumasok sila sa relasyon na hindi pa sila Handa.

Ohn Bakit ko nga ba sinasabi 'to? NEVER BEEN IN LOVE?!. well, sa pananaw ko Oo, kasi para sa'kin gusto ko talaga kapag nagmahal ako ng totoo yung may MAGIC . May Spark! :] yung tipo ng tao na kahit na magmukha siyang Tanga eh, basta mapangiti niya lang ako,gagawin niya yun. Yung hindi siya magdadalawang isip na mag-effort basta ba para sa taong MAHAL n'ya =) ♡ Yung tipo ng tao na SUPER SWEET kahit na sa simpleng bagay lang eh nagagawa ka n'yang pangitiin, Yung tao na magiging PROUD na sabihin sa iba at ipagmalaki na yan yung Babaeng Pinakamamahal ko ;) ♡ Yung tao na Takot mawala ka. Yung tao na handang ipagsigawan at ipaglaban ka dahil MAHAL na MAHAL ka n'ya. Yung taong maiintindihan yung Mood Swings ko at Higit sa lahat kahit corny 'man yung taong kapag nagselos eh, handang sabin sa'yo na MAHAL na MAHAL kita Akin ka Lang Ha? oh db.
How Sweet =) Nyar..Illusyonada na 'ko.. pero para sa'kin walang kong pakielam sa LOOKS, LUXURIOUS.. oh Kung ano pa man.. basta ang gusto ko lag eh, BEST PERSONALITY. yung lang pero ang malaking tanong MAY GANYAN PA BA NGAYON? Haaaay. AASA PA BA 'KO? DAPAT BA? well, Hanggat may Buhay may PAG-ASA. HAhahaha x)

--xiah. (She-ya)

Friday, April 8, 2011

“You have to know the past to understand the present.”

“We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”

Ang Sarap sa pakiramdam mag-reminisced.Nakakatuwang isipin na ganito ako dati at ganyan sila sakin dati.Ang laki ng pagbabago at ang laki din pala ng epekto ng kahit isang tao lang sa pagbabago ng buhay ko. Masarap sa pakiramdam yung akala mo hindi mo makakayang gawin dati ay nagagawa muna ngayon. Natutunan kong mag move-on kahit na iniisip ko dati na hindi ko iyon kakayanin. Natutunan kong magmahal ng totoo. Natutunan kong pakawalan yung mga bagay na akala ko'y tunay na magbibigay kabuluhan sa buhay ko at higit sa lahat naging Matalino ko sa pagpili at pagdedesisyon sa kung ano at saan nararapat umikot ang mundo ko kahit na masakit naging matatag ako at natutunan na magmahal muli.Hindi man sapat ang mga katagang nabitiwan ko dito upang maiparating ng tama ang tunay na nararamdaman ko basta ang alam ko sa sarili ko Ako'y nagmahal,nagmamahal at magmamahal pang muli. :) Lovehugs! :)

Got This from Friendster :)

AyeLynne Jul 08 2009, 01:38 AM

ehem ehem..

eizt mamhen.. kla ko ba h8 mo ung epal.. dba dkilang epal kah?? hehe joke peace mhen!!

aizt.. ndi ko tlga akalain na mkkauzap kta ng gnto ka abno..
di ko rhen na-imagine na mbbra kta.
kla ko kxe mxunget ka ung glit sa mundo.. ung psan lhat ng problema..
pro mli pla ko..
ang psan mo pla ung kaadikan at kaabnoan na cnalu mo nung hinagis ni God s mundong toh!!

xorry kung lgi ktang pinagtritripan, inaasar at nililink kay Jonas.. alam kong naiinis ka skhen minzan... lalo na knina nung binabara kta, kya kita knakantahan hehehe (well no mggwa ko eh WEAK ung binabara ko eh.. cno ba ulhet ung binabara ko?? jowk)

thankz sa comment, sa patitiis, sa pagtyatyaga

pti sa mga tyms na anjan ka to listen to my [roblems..

grbe.. kung wla ka tlga cguro wla na rhen tlga ko (oh ha pnagicipan kho ian!!)

ghe ghe
d2 na lng

long live JONAGRACE

and kissez

a.k.a: CHIBI-CHI!!

ayan na lang muna ang ma-isshare ko. masyadong confidential yung iba at dapat nang ibaon sa at kalimutan na ng tuluyan :)

-xia. :)

Fashion Blog :) hmm?


I'm Back Dude! :D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Summer Boredom :D

ohhh. :D For my fashion Blog :D
For Today's Clothing :)
Clothes Bought From BUM Equipment :)
Make up: Ever Bilena :)

Love.Love :)

I'm sooo gay. ahahaha xD

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When Boredom strikes me a lot.

Looks like I'm Definitely Bored! :)
Haha. Just having trip with my clothes and make ups.
Well, things turn out not that bad. haha :)

Monday, April 4, 2011


1) ano sec. mo nng 1st yr high ka?
`First Year- St. Joseph (Star Section Kami! =D ) with my dearest adviser and an English Moderator Ma'am Theresa DS. Pacheco

2)eh nung 2nd yr?
`Second Year- St. Anthony another year with my beloved adviser Ma'am There :) Magulo man pero da best naman! :))) eto rin yung year na naging ka'close ko yung isa sa mga best friends ko si Yhendoi >:D haha :)) Her name's Ayelynne S. Duran :))

3)3rd yr?
`Third Year- St. John San Juan kami! :) well, dito nabuo ang barkadahan ng mga buraot. hahaha =D BG Gurls :) sa pangangalaga ng the best at pinakamamahal na adviser namin at ang mga tsismis na nasagap namin mula kay Ma'am Racquel B. Dichoso :))

4)4th yr?
`Fourth Year- St. Peter under the supervision of Ma'am Crista Marionete J. Clemente :) Solido San Pedro. hindi ko man gusto ang section na ito dito naman ako nakakilala ng mga bagong kaibigan na nagbigay kabuluhan sa hayskul life ko. kahit na eto rin yung year na nagkahiwalay kami ng isa sa mga matalik kong kaibigan Si Mary Kate Josette E. Joaquin sa tatlong taon na samahan kung kelan kami'y magtatapos na dun pa pinaghiwalay :( ohwell. nagkaroon man ng di pagkakaunawaan tibay ng aming pagkakaibigan ay lalong pinatatag :) at higit sa lahat sa taong ito ko nakilala ang taong may hawak ng PUSO ko Haha. eentra pa eh. >;)

5)anong best year for u?
`San Juan Kami at Solido San Pedro >;) 3rd and 4th yr. :)

6)baket?marami ka bang friends nun?
` YEAH!! :) dun ako natuto tumakas at umuwi ng gabi para gumala. ahihihi .;) LOL

7)san kau kumakain kapag lunch?

' Party @ the Canteen! Hahaha :)

8)san tumatambay after skul?
`sa SM. pag'gagala ahahaha :D Sa Plaza, at xempre kela ATE SIOMAI ! ^^

9) lagi ka ba late pagmorning?
` hahaha. nung 3rd year ako. :P pero nung 4th year saktong 7 lage. ahahaha .;)

10) nasuspend ka na ba?
` 'di nga eh. sayang di ko nartry. hahahaha. LOL

` eeh GUD GURL AKO eh. CHOZ ! ^^

12)masaya ba pag foundation day?
` Kasabay ng Intrams namin yun eh. OHYEA SUPER ULTRA MEGA TO THE MAX MASAYA!! ahaha. LOL. mamimiss ko yun T.T

13)have u ever danced on stage?
`Ou. whahaha. >;( amp. lage bengga. ahaaha! i dunno how to dance :(

14)nagka bf/gf ka ba nong highschool
` SINGLE FOREVER! ahaha chozs. >;)

15)sinong all time crush mo nun?
`SI PAPA B!! hahahaha! :DD

16)would u go bak?
`ha? haha. naman!

17)ano lagi mong binibili sa canteen?
` Quake at Tubig. haha oh kea. Cream 'O Premium or Deluxe, Cloud Nine yung BLUE. Piattos yung Green Ha. w/ Milo Freeze. yow mhen! :D hahaha

18)overpricing ba ang canteen nyo?
` SUPERB .;( kainis much. ahaha

19) u ever sang on stage pag may
` Gusto n'yo umulan? hahaha

20)fave subj?
` English Da best si Sir Ed! mamimiss ko yun T.T

21)nabagsak k n ba?
` oh. Never kahit super tamad ako hihih. magaling sumistema eh. haha

22)have u ever been sent out?


23)feel mo ba malau ang HS bldg till
`hindi naman. haha

24)have u ever ran in the court?
` Yep.

25)varsity??of wat?
` dapat ng Chess di kinaya ng utak eh. haha

26)do u miss ur school?

Its not the days in your life you'll remember, it's the memories.

I can't help myself from falling in love :">

The reason why i love my High School Life :))

Saturday, April 2, 2011

There are no good-byes, where ever we are, you’ll always be in my heart.

High School life is finally over. :| haixt..

Sabi nila kung magbibigay ka galing dapat sa puso mo
Paano yun? Gusto ko ngang magbigay kaso ikaw na lang
natitira sa puso ko alangan namang ibigay kita. =]


Friday, April 1, 2011

"We've gone our ways and I know it's for the best, but sometime I wonder will I ever have a friends like you again? "

April 2 2011 Our Graduation Day. 4 hours to go graduation na haaays! kagabi pa 'ko di mapakali. hindi makatulog, napapagalitan na nga ko ng nanay ko kasi hindi ako sumusunod sa mga inuutos niya. nakatulala lang ako sa kawalan titignan yung cellphone kung may nagtxt grabe anddrama ng mga GM nila lalo tuloy akong nalulungkot. :( wala naman particular na tao akong mamimiss eh kasi alam kong magkikita parin naman kami pero alam mo na may mga bagay na hindi na namin mababalikan kasi eto na matatapos na yun. haaaay Salamat na lang at nakilala ko silang lahat at naging parte ng makabuluhan kong High School Life. at sana makakilala pa ako ng mga taong katulad nila. oh, Tama na muna ang drama promise may part 2 pa ito. :)


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Crazy Little Thing Called Love ♡♡

I don't understand why it must be you, The ONLY ONE in MY HEART.
I have met many people but IT MUST BE YOU eventually who are in my heart. 'LOVE' Is not a coincidence LOVE can connect YOU with ME there's only the heart that knows who is the one in my dream YOU'RE THE ONE that I've been waiting because the heart is begging cause the heart is calling for BORN to be YOUR FOREVER it's because my heart never confused it's certain that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE there are not many reasons it just because my heart chooses you --

--graxia-- STATUS: IN LOVE :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Say it again ♡

Today's 26th of March Year 2011 ..

The Diary.

I ♡ Twenty Two 스물둘

kelangan bang ulit'ultin kong sabihin na MAHAL kita xP

hihih. NOMON >;)))


I'm Speechless yow. :))

No more dramas for today. :)))

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

I love to write and blog noteworthy things, I love to share what's happening in my life... but I'm not that good in writing... yeah, somehow my mind’s won't allow me to write. It seems that every time I was about to blog, I totally forgot what I am going to write down... yeah, maybe my mind's not capable of writing it... It was just allowing me to write stories over my head... and it was totally a crap... I hate it... yeah, I was just saying it, because recently I’m having a hard time sharing my thoughts and ideas...though, Ever since I was a little kid I dreamt of becoming a writer... but since then, I started writing blogs and stories online... but I never finished one... haaaay it was totally a waste of time.. Maybe if I really want to become an effective writer I shouldn’t write in my mind... But write with my heart…^.^

just droppin' by:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

High school changes people. Some for the better, some for the worst. But if one thing is true; you find out who your real friends are.

I hate it! :( andrama kooooo :( 10 days to go :|

Saturday, March 19, 2011

HighSchool life is nearly over :|

Ano nga ba yung mamimiss natin sa highschool?

-Mamimiss mo ba yung pagkain mo sa klase? Yung gustong-gusto mo ng kainin yung candy na nasa ilalim ng lamesa mo o nasa bulsa mo. Yung tipong tinatakpan mo ng panyo yung bibig mo para hindi ka mapansin ng teacher nyo na kumakain ka.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung pangbubully o pangaasar mo sa klase? Pag nagpapair up yung teacher nyo tapos lahat kayo mang-aasar at sasabahin “Ayiii!” Mang-bubully kayo sa mga na-uunder nyo sa mga kaklase nyo. May kanya-kanyang tawagan, kanya-kanyang asaran. May mapipikon pero yung iba tumatawa pa rin. Yung naasar na nga kaklase mo sige ka pa rin sa asar.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung pagtambay nyo ng mga barkada mo pagkatapos ng klase? Yung malapit na ang uwian magkakaayaan ng gala. Sa bahay ni ganito ni ganyan. Dota kasama ang mga barkada. Basketball kasama ang barkada.
Chikahan kasama ang barkada. Mga bonding at kung ano-ano pang mapasyahang gawin.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung masayang feeling pag absent ang teacher? Yung tipong pwede kang mag-ingay, makipagdaldalan sa klase, Nagagalit na si president sige ka pa din sa pagdadadaldal. Lilipat ka ng upuan para makipagchismisan sa close friends mo. Kwentuhan dito, kwentuhan doon.

-Mamimiss mo ba kapag sinesermonan kayo ng teacher nyo tapos gusto nyo din sagutin pero hindi mo magawa? Yung tipong gusto mo ng tumayo at bigyan ng katwiran ang teacher mo kase naiinis ka na din pero hindi mo magawa, dahil naiisip mo nakakahiya naman o kaya natatakot ka baka ipatawag ka sa guidance. Pero sa isip-isip mo gusto mo ng sagutin at ipamukha sa kanya na galit ka din.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung pagtulog mo sa klase? Yung tipong bagsak na bagsak na ang mata mo tapos hindi mo na mapigilan napapaheadbang ka na sa lamesa pero magigising ka ulit kase naiisip mo baka nakikita ka ng mga kaklase mo. Yung pagtulog mo sa klase pag hindi masungit yung teacher mo.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung sandamakmak na homework? Yung tipong di mo na alam ang gagawin mo dahil tambak na ang takdang aralin na dapat mong gawin. Kanya-kanyang kopyahan sa mga tapos ng gumawa ng takdang aralin para deretso computer pagdating sa bahay.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung pangongopya mo ng seatwork sa katabi pag hindi mo alam yung sagot? Yung alam mong hindi naman masungit yung teacher mo o nagbabantay sa’yo kaya pwede kang magtanong sa katabi mo ng sagot.
Mamimiss mo ba yung panghihingi mo ng 1 whole, 1/4, 1/2 sa kaklase mo? Ni isang beses hindi ka bumili ng papel dahil umaasa ka lang sa mga kaklase mo. Kahit naiinis na sila sige ka pa din ng hingi. Yung tipong wala kang pakielam kahit sila yung bumibili basta makahingi ka lang. Kase nakokonsensya sila kaya binibigyan ka nila.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung paghingi mo ng pagkain sa mga kaklase mo? Yung hindi pa nga sila nakakakain hinihingi mo na kagad yung pagkain nila. No choice naman sila, ibibigay nila sa’yo kase sa tingin nila baka iniisip mo na madamot sila. Pero naiisip nila na hindi ka nahihiya kase pagkain nila yon.

Mamimiss mo ba yung pagdadaydream mo sa klase? Pag tinatamad kang makinig sa leksyon ng guro mo magdadaydream ka na lang. Mag-iisip ka ng mga bagay na sa imahinasyon lang mangyayari. Yung tipong natutulala ka na. Tapos magugulat ka na lang tinatawag ka na pala ng teacher mo.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung mga teacher mo, na kahit sinesermonan ka eh, mahal na mahal mo pa rin? Yung kahit pinagtritripan ka minsan na sinasabi nila na lambing lang nila yun sa’yo, mamimiss mo ba yun? Kahit napapagalitan ka minsan ginagawa nila yon dahil sa kapakanan mo, dahil sila yung pangalawang magulang mo.

-Mamimiss mo ba yung mga TOTOONG kaibigan mo, mga nakasama mo sa higschool, at mga naging barkada mong tunay? Yung tipong andyan sila pag may problema ka. Pag kailangan mo ng advice andyan sila para bigyan ka. Yung tipong lalaban sila para sa’yo dahil kaibigan mo sila. Yung paparangalan ka sa mga maling nagawa mo. Mga galaan nyo na walang sawa dahil nagchichikahan kayo. Mga sikreto na napagsaluhan nyo. Mga magagandang ala-ala na nabuo nyo dahil sa pagsasamahan nyo.

Ang masasagot ko lang dyan. Oo, lahat ng yan mamimiss ko :(

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Maniwala ka sana...

nung una kitang makilala di man lang kita napuna,
di ka naman kasi ganoon kaganda, di ba?
simpleng kabatak, simpleng kabarkada lamang ang tingin ko sa ‘yo.
di ko talaga alam kung bakit ako nagkakaganito!
ako’y napaisip at biglang napatingin, di ko malaman kung anong dapat gawin!
dahan- dahan nag- iba ang pagtingin ko sa ‘yo,
gumanda ka bigla at ang mga kilos mo’y nakakapanibago!
napansin ko na lamang na nalalaglag ang aking puso.
bad trip talaga! na- i- in lab ako sa ‘yo!
tuwing kita’y nakikita ako ay napapangiti,
para bang gusto kong halikan ang iyong mga pisngi!

minamahal kita! ba’t di ka maniwala?!
anong kailangan kong gawin upang seryosohin mo
ang aking sinasabi tungkol sa pag- ibig ko sa ‘yo?
maniwala ka sana, minamahal kita!

nasira na yata ang ulo ko, kaiisip ko sa ‘yo
kahit saan tumingin ay mukha mo ang nakikita ko!
pero bakit para kang naiilang, ako ay iyong iniiwasan?
ako’y nahihirapan uy, wala namang ganyanan!
pakiramdam ko ngayon ako ay nagmumukhang gago!
ngayon ako’y nagsisisi kung bakit ako nag “i love you”!!!
kasi di na tayo tulad ng dati
ngayon sa akin ay diring- dire!


~hmm? I'm Speechless yow! Talagang dinaan pa niya sa kanta?
pero hindi talaga eh..wala talagang KAMI. kasi HINDI PWEDE.
haixt..Basta yun muna may mga bagay bagay na hindi ko maaaring sabihin dito.
Kung ano man ang meron KAMI ngayon eh basta MAHAL namin ang isa't isa pero WALANG KAMI :)) NAGUGULUHAN KA? Mas naguguluhan AKO. :|

Friday, March 11, 2011

Don't panic, Just Pray God will never do such a thing that will hurt us.

Lead us to a place, Guide us with your grace,give us faith so we'll be safe.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Don't hide yourself in regret Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track baby I was born this way :)

I'm beautiful in my way
'cause god makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way :)))

We had Our Pictorial For Our Grad Pic Yesterday :) Unfortunately My eyes are red 'coz of irritation haaay i hate it! :(( though the pictorial was sooo fun! :)) We helped each other to fix ourselves :)) My hair was straighten by Hannah Faye Santos and Patricia Merete :)) Alma Mari Agustin for my make up and Charizza Martinez for my hairstyle haha thankyou guys!! :DD This Coming Friday March 11 2011 we're going to have another pictorial for our Annual/Yearbook :) I'm excited about it yet I'm sad because High School Life is nearly over haaaays I'm going to missed everything!! :((

22 days to go :(((


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

happy International Women's day :)







Sunday, March 6, 2011


MARCH 7 & 8

My last examination in my beloved alma mater

San Diego Parochial School :)

Good luck Seniors! :)

Hahaha. sistemang malupet na 'to mga kapatid! :))))

Saturday, March 5, 2011

suddenly its magic :))

If I know what love is, it is because of you.

If I hadn't met you,
I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you,
I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you,
I wouldn't miss you.
But I did,
I do, and I will.

~ iloveyow :)

1409111115 :')

Life is Beautiful :)

God Alone Never Despises Anyone :)

Our Last First Friday was happened yesterday. Our retreat master Father Roman Caleon was the one who lectured us at the homily. He was so great. His words of wisdom was really soothing my mind :) and after the holy mass he visit us in our classroom (retreat “second time around” haha) he told us that love is letting be & letting go :)

“Dapat daw kapag nagmahal ka, masaya ka kasi mahal mo siya. Wag kang maging malungkot kung hindi magiging kayo kasi ang pagmamahal daw e dapat matuto tayong ilet go yung mga bagay na hindi para sa’tin pero kung magiging kayo syempre doble ang saya nun pero laging daw natin tatandaan na ang pinakamahalaga kapag nagmamahal ka eh dapat MASAYA ka”

--It’s always good to live though life is difficult :)))

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A wonderful memory I would never forget. :)

ohmayyygod. :(

magpapalit na ata kme ng mukha ng laptop ko e, grabee sakit na ng mata ko oh, superb hirap ng research paper namin sa physics haaaay :(( ngsabay pa ng ibang gawain sa ibang subject buhay nga naman oh, :|

di ko na tuloy maintindihan tong emosyon ko. haha nakaloka! ~.~

anyway, just droppin' by here to share some pictures taken during our Junior and Senior Promenade held last February 19 @SDPS Gymnasium :)

It was me and my Super Friends with Our Beloved Teacher Sir Marcky :)
YEAH :"> It was a dream come true :)))

It was me with my adorable Friends! :))) i love them soooo much! :)))

It was a Fairy Tale being with him :)) Being with the One you Love :)))
This was a Night to Remember! :))) My First and Last Dance! :)))) Can't Stop Smiling! :">


Monday, February 21, 2011

Greatest Story Ever Told ♥

1409111115 :)

Thank you for this moment
I've gotta say how beautiful you are
Of all the hopes and dreams I could have prayed for
Here you are
If I could have one dance forever
I would take you by the hand
Tonight it's you and I together
I'm so glad I'm your man
And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you
that day
but if destiny decided I should look the other way
then the world would never know
the greatest story ever told
and did I tell you that I love you
I don't hear the music
When I'm looking in your eyes
But I feel the rhythm of your body
Close to mine
It's the way we touch, it soothes me
It's the way we'll always be
your kiss your pretty smile
you know i'd die for
oh baby
you're all i need
And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you
that day
but if destiny decided I should look the other way
then the world would never know
the greatest story ever told
and did I tell you that I love you
just how much i really need you
did I tell you that I love you
And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you
that day
but if destiny decided I should look the other way
then the world would never know
the greatest story ever told
and did I tell you that I love you
just how much I really need you
did I tell you that I love you tonight

I Still Love The Fact That Were Just Friends :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Last Night was a fairy tale :) o2'19'11

"You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess"

"You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make, everything you say is right"

It was a night to remember (:

babala: ang manunulat sa likod ng masalimuot na blog na ito'y kasalukuyan na nagaalburoto dahil siya'y wala pang tulog haha :p ipagpaumanhin ninyo na lamang po ang topak niya ;)


JS PROM? hmmm anu b un? yun ba yung time na magsusuot kayo ng gown tapos sasayaw ng ka'echozan haha BAD :| ohyea. never akong na'excite sa JS PROM hmm party? may magkakamali bang magsayaw sakin dun. haha YAN ako nung THiRD YEAR palang ako. yea. FIRST TIME eh. this year na senior na ko. ganun padin gown kelangan b tlga pabonggahan haha (: huhu i hate it! oh siya ba't ba tayo napunta diyan hahaha =P ampanget e. :( naiinis tlga ko pag hnd ako ang pumipili :(( watcheber! :PPP

FEBRUARY 19 2011. haha (:

a night to remember. hmmm bkt nga ba? haha ((:

ohmen. ngayon lang ako na'excite sa JS. haaaaay ((:

AKO na TALO sa pustahan namin ni AYE. haha c;


ako na kinikilig habang tntype to. bwahaha pohtek sabi sainiu eh malakas sapak nung nagsusulat e! :p

hahaha ganito kasi yun hmmm. 2 days before our js prom. haha di na tlga mapanatag yung loob ko. haha

kasi di ba kung mahirap magmahal mas mahirap mag'antay sa wala ;))

ayun sabi ng mga kaibigan ko sabihin ko daw kahit pabiro daw atleast sure ako, db? :))

at etong topak ko ay umariba nnman kaya yun sinabi ko, haha galing magturo ng mga matitino ko nga bang kaibigan hahaha! i love you mga tsong and mhen! c;

hahaha. pero grabe a, di ko tlga expected na ganun ((: haaaaay. bongga :p

o'xa tinotoyo na tlga ko. nxt update nlng.

i LOVE ^^

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